It’s The Little Things

✨?✨ Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ✨?✨

It’s the little things that can bring so much joy to you day and can give you so much encouragement ? @emilycoxhead happy jar is filled with positive notes and can be little pick-me-ups especially on those days that don’t feel that magic. These are the first two notes I have picked out. I get so excited every time I pick out a new one ✨Thank you so much @mermaiidmairead for this beautiful gift???✨

Spread Kindness

?✨? Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨? As we enter autumn and it gets a little colder (sitting here in my woolies) we can forget how this season can also have an impact on our mental health – this time of year can be particularly triggering for people that suffer with their mental health so it’s really important that we are all aware of this ✨ In September 2016 something happened that I never thought could happen. My gorgeous sister had seemed ‘a bit down ‘ for some time but I never knew the extent or that it would turn out that she would be diagnosed with depression. No one would have known that behind her smile and the rainbows she adorns herself in that she was suffering – not even me and I live with her.

It is so important that we really make sure if the people around us are actually okay. It is only when people get talking and ending stigmas, that the importance of mental health can be kept alive. Mairead describes living with depression as like ‘living in a body with a mind that’s trying to die.’ No one should have to face feelings like this alone.

One thing we can all do is practice kindness, smile at strangers and say kind words, remind the loved ones in your life why they are so special, say and send kind messages to people you care about. If you think something lovely about someone why don’t you tell them? So this magic Monday let’s celebrate kindness ✨ If you are struggling right now please talk to someone, there are also so many wonderful communities where you can seek help such as @mindcharity and @mh_stories_ is also a wonderful online platform where you can find support ? Thank you @mermaiidmairead for allowing me to share your story ?❤️


Shine Bright!!!

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

It is so so important not too lose who you are and continue to express yourself in whatever way you like ? @mermaiidmairead reminds me to let yourself shine through what you wear. She shows me just to be comfortable with who I am? Here she wears a fabulous attire, full of rainbow dreams-how amazing is this outfit?- Inspiring me to express myself wholeheartedly ?? Be yourself always ???

When The Heart Calls

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

This Monday allow yourself just to breathe and go with your heart. This quote is taken from my latest blog post ‘Pulling Up (Rainbow) Socks’ . It’s about doing whatever is right for you and not being afraid of not being a ‘go getter ‘ all the time. Lose yourself in something new or familiar just don’t fear it ???

Where would you like to wander to next?

Show All of You!!

?✨ Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ✨?

Don’t forget to embrace ALL of you. We cannot be a go getter all of the time and that what make us human!! We have hearts. We feel stuff. We can show others how to be strong be being open rather than buckling under pressure. I know I’m not good at this, I don’t think many are, but being reminded that we also have a delicate side of ourselves allows us to breakdown our wall a little. As @bymariandrew demonstrates these aspects gives us strength ??

Tell Your Truth

Photography: @mermaiidmairead

Dear Readers

It has been such a long time since I have written a piece on here, just from me to you. I am really sorry for this. I have discovered that I am not good a multi-tasking, dipping between book and blogger writer mode, but I am learning lots through this!!! I hope though, that you are enjoying the Magic Mondays posts and Fabulous Ones stories- more to come soon!

Recently, I have been reminded by others about the importance of honesty and to tell your whole truth. With this I have learnt that in order to grow you have to let go or let people in. This is something that I am not good at and palm off any struggles, usually with “No worries, its fine” I think that is maybe a ploy to myself to think I’m all ‘a-okay.’ But going down this stream is a little unhealthy and instead of knocking down walls, I am protecting them. One of main messages that I tell you is to keep going and you will overcome your obstacles, but with this I am not sharing why this is to believed, nor my struggle not to give up, so how can I ask you to really believe in my words? And how can I really convince you that it is not some lines I nicked from a good old Disney classic-I have nothing against Disney btw in fact I am huge fan and up for a re-run anytime, just say when!!! I know I have told you parts of my story but I have always tried to put a positive spin on this and even though I have been honest with my words, I have not told you the other parts of my truth, so here goes.

We live in a world, especially here in the west, whereby the pace of life is so fast and we seem like we are forever catching up, take for example waiting for the internet to load on our phones/computers for a few seconds is just a little thing to get us fumed up. We are always planning our next step and not fully considering what we’re doing at a particular moment. And don’t get me even started on how, somewhat isolated we are also becoming with self checkouts being nearly everywhere now, ‘self’ depicting the way in which we are going. A few years ago I watched a documentary with Joanna Lumley (who I think is indeed absolutely fabulous) where she visited a hotel in which staff were replaced by robots- has life become that busy whereby people would rather check-in, go up to their rooms without passing the time of day with a stranger, or greet a familiar face when coming down to breakfast? ( I know we all race to the coffee machines in the mornings, but that is besides the point) yep, I am waffling again!

The thing is, I am also one of those people who lives or want to live in the fast lane sometimes, I think writing is the only time I zone out,,, I guess for me it almost a meditative-like thing. Cerebral Palsy means my muscles are a little uncoordinated and reaction times are a little slower –science in school did therefore did come in handy if it was to only clarify that, yes I do have delayed responses!!

I know life is not a race and we are all meant to go at different paces. I even posted on my Instagram a few months ago about just taking a breathe and being be present and I do stand by that, but sometimes I can lead myself down a rabbit hole and forget this. So for example writing out a text or an IG post may take me a bit longer to write out then hoped or being the last person to finish a meal (now this gets on my nerves for a whole other reason- I have the biggest sweet tooth but like mumma says ‘you gotta eat every last pea first’). Sometimes I get really irritated by my pace and wish could go a little faster. Even though my love affair with writing is forever, sometimes I get so frustrated if I am having a day where I am even more slow than usual, but in my mind I am two paragraphs ahead and also this laptop is meeting the wall, I have a feeling that won’t be helpful in the slightest!!

Verbalising these struggles is not the easiest thing to do and I think writing these as been one of the first times I have explained my thoughts. Perhaps subconsciously I have thought this would be complaining or just a bid to excuse myself, telling myself I am just being lazy. Thinking about this though acknowledging difficulties, is a form of acceptance and a way to not let it be so much of a battle that we are fighting up against.

The point of this post is to say that it is ok not to only show a smiley face to the world, we all face challenges and sometimes by sharing these we can help and encourage others as well as ourselves. Keeping a lid on our thought and emotion will only create an unwelcomed explosion.

All my love XX

You Can!!

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones?✨?
Meet Mr Cactus (totally originally name I know…don’t get me started on the names I had for my bears as a child…okay one name was Ted). A cactus symbolises endurance and resillance and is a reminder to a person of how strong they are. If you are struggling today, know that you can get through this and the light WILL shine again ???

Keep Your Passion Alive!!!

Dear Reader,

Let me start of by saying how sorry I am for being off the blogging radar this month. Writing to you is something I, wholeheartedly, hold dear, being able to write to you is refreshing, knowing that I will hopefully be understood by and connect  with you due to the platform you are meeting me and I am meeting you on; both having a passion for word and a love to explore thoughts and feelings.

BUT this does not explain my silence on From This Window this month, nor would any excuse. But what I can say is that you have not been forgotten, I promise you that. While I haven’t been sharing with you thoughts, I have been planning posts for the coming weeks, which I am very excited to share with you. I think at times we all need space to grow and sometimes that may mean taking a step back, in order to seek clarity of your direction. I guess my reason for writing this post is to say not to lose sight and hope of your passions, keep it close and to remember it is a part of who you are- exercise that passion like it’s a muscle, in any way that feels right for you!!

I won’t be too far away- doing happy dance of excitement to write to you again already!! Wishing you had a wonderful October and enjoying autumn.

Remember, my fabulous one, to live well and be happy!!

All my love XX

Choose To Be Grateful

*This photo was taken by my beautiful Sister

Dear Reader,
What are you grateful for? What, in reflection, makes you thankful for the breath you are breathing?

Gratitude for the life I lead is something I have felt so deeply recently and want to share my thoughts with you! My trail of thought has been inspired by the multitude of devastation that have occurred in the world over the previous months and just this week the horrific conditions of the third world have been highlighted  once again- kindness is still in a severe drought.

We so very seldom stop and think; living in a fast paced society, trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses,’ pushing to be the best, and maybe, when our ego comes into play, try to outdo others. These primitive activities that society has created leave little or no room to think outside of our bubble, or what this bubble even denotes. So often we complain of not having enough, beginning sentences with “I wish I had,” but in fact those desirers- you and I- have hold of things others just dream of. This leads me to the thinking, and I will speak for myself here (as I don’t know your situation), how in fact I do have a luxurious lifestyle. Before you get ahead of yourself and create ungraspable, idyllic picture perhaps thinking that I’m some pompous jerk, not actually aware of what I am writing and how you may feel as a result of this-let me explain. When someone thinks of luxury and being luxurious they may associate it with having glistening diamonds, designer clothes, going to dinners at fancy restaurants etc., but in fact luxury is more to do with the ability to choose.

The ability to choose is something for I have in everyday day life. For example right from the morning I can DECIDE if I WANT to shower and with what soap, I can DECIDE whether I WANT a strong coffee OR tea and DECIDE how much milk and how many sugars I WANT, I can DECIDE whether I’ll start my day with cereal (and what type?) OR toast (and any toppings?) OR a cooked breakfast, then I can DECIDE what to wear, which could be based on weather OR the activities of the day, the day goes on I make more decisions- how I WANT to communicate with others by face-to-face OR ringing OR texting OR emailing OR through social media and what other activities I WANT to do that day and what, where, when, to have lunch/dinner. All these decisions that I make are MY choices in order to carve out the day and life I WANT.  These decisions and the notion of making everyday decisions, denotes luxuries yet I forget this way too often, luxuries that for many are unheard of- if I exchanged a ‘day in the life of..’ note with someone less fortunate than me, what  would I uncover? What would be different? Would anything be similar? What decisions would they have? How would this make them feel? What would they be grateful for?

I’m not saying that I should or anyone else who is lives a day made from a library of choices should feel guilty, unworthy or deny ourselves of the things, but we should be grateful; grateful for the environment we live in, grateful that live the life we do, grateful for the people round us and grateful for ourselves to experience the wonders our life however happy or sad as we can develop from this, allowing us to become stronger people. We were given this life to live it our way, using the tools we have; yearning for things we wished we had or that we think would make life better is ludicrous. Look within; what do you have to be grateful for? Look around you; what do you have to be grateful for? Celebrate your life and ALL you have!!!

All my love XX

A Dedication

2017-03-13 19.33.59_mix01

Dear Reader,

We all think we have time. Time to do that thing we keep putting off, sometime next week. Time to go to that place we promise ourselves we will go to, someday. And the dangerous type mistrust put in time, time to phone or message someone tomorrow. But in fact in a flash, the imagination invested into how things would be and creating in our minds the how a particular event would go, the experiences we may gain from a certain place, or the conversations we may have with someone, all is suddenly gone. Just like that. Just like that all our fantasies are left as fantasies without them ever evolving into play. Just like that all this hyped emotion surrounding anxiety and anticipation over the predicted future disappears. Just like that we find ourselves grieving over yesterday and wishing we had acted sooner. It is these ‘cold shower’ moments, which make us be in sync with our senses and in touch with where and who we are and who we could become if we were more open; if we can’t do this for ourselves, do this for what has been lost. This is a very hard concept to grasp; it can take hours, days, weeks, months or even years to realise and come to terms with what was taken by time, unable to comprehend the present. It could be something that we are able to just barely touch with our fingertips.

I had this school friend. This friend and I shared a mutual fondness, laughs and banter, and used to speak with eyes when speaking with words were an unavailable option. School years went by and it was time for my friend to move onto university (they were 2 years older), we said we’d keep in touch and for a while we did. However we lost contact, only saying a quick hello at birthdays- they were only two days apart, but my friend was never far from my mind, they were too special. Although my friend and I shared similar ground, both living with a physical disability, we did not share much about our personal difficulties; maybe this was because we were caught up being teenagers, maybe they too big to express, or maybe they just escaped our minds for a while. One thing I didn’t know about my friend, at the time, is the extent of their condition: that it was life limiting. But maybe if I knew this, the friendship we had would have been different, maybe we just shared enough- in order for both of us to enjoy and benefit from the exchange. Recently my friend has passed away. To say the least, this was quite shocking. My friend was only 25 years old. They were at an age where most people at this age are trying to get a handle on adulthood, with some having freak-out moments of not being where they thought they would be. But, really, are these mind crippling thoughts worth it? Life is more than career, money, materialistic things-that eventually you grow tired of. The one question that we all should be asking ourselves is what makes us happy? As I write I wonder what thoughts my friend had. What did they think of peoples’ worries about the trivial things? Did they have thoughts which began ‘what I would do is’? What did they prioritise? A dominant question in my mind is, was my friend scared?

I feel guilty that l lost touch with them and didn’t let them know I was thinking them. I feel guilty that now it is too late to turn my thought -maybe I’ll send them a message- into an action. I hope this post connotes how much I did value the friendship we had.

These times of grieve and loss, are reminders that we have only now to live. It is now we can make changes. Now we can remove the negatives and focus on the positives and finding, or living, in our personal definitions of life. Most importantly it is now that we have to reach out the people we care about and build on our relationships’, don’t let it be too late to demonstrate how much you value others. There might not be tomorrow.

I am dedicating this post to my friend. A friend that has taught me not to take time for granted.

All my love XX