Make Room For Your Challanges

Dear Reader,

Here we are just over a month into 2019, a sense of newness is around, resolutions have been made and we are all willing for changes. This time of year I have never been a great fan of, anticipation is heighted about what could be before us, there is a force to do greater, to do better, be fit and healthy, to implement visions and get all of the above done now… or if your anything like me a minute ago!!! These are more than enough thoughts to handle before we turn towards looking at judgement passed by others, talking among themselves having a classic mothers meeting, with the top topic of the agenda being whether ‘she has stuck to what she committed to doing ’. Well, forgive my ignorance (or don’t), but it is clear to see what these people have committed to and sadly are not about to break this anytime soon!! However, we, on the other hand, can keep on being out fabulous selves, trying and trying again to do our best!!

The tittle of this blog post, Make Room For Your Challanges, is one that at first glance my stir up negative emotions, be confusing and may even say it’s a slight contradiction to what I continue to say to you-but it’s not, don’t switch off just yet!!

I like to think that by now you know that I’m not one to back down and run from a challenge, if anything it makes me more determined to face it. This year I have, like many, made promises to myself, some which are the classic –be more healthier- and some are more personal to change some of my thinking habits to have a little more positive energy and to do things rather than day dreaming of things that ‘would it be nice’ . For a couple of Sundays now I have tried to plan my week ahead (in none other than a fabulous unicorn diary!!) in order to get my thoughts/ideas on to paper and make a plan- if I don’t, I try to do everything at once and so the absolute opposite happens: nothing gets done or a little of a few tasks get done but no one thing gets complete!!

The downside to planning things is that some time when plan, we plan in accordance to a ‘perfect’ day, week, month…. But what happens if things don’t quite work out the way you envisioned? What happens when not so pleasant things happen or we lose our mojo or we just didn’t give ourselves enough time needed? Well, most likely what we do when that happens is we scrap the plan completely, maybe mull over why things have turned out the way we want it to and wait for another ‘perfect’ day to start again!. As I have mentioned to you once or twice before that as part of my Cerebral Palsy I experience tremors, which varies from day to day, and this can have a knock on effect on what I am doing and therefore slows everything down, which, you guessed, leaves a very dissatisfied me! I think this feeling of deflation comes, at times like this, from not being able to fulfil the intentions I had for that day, week or month and leaves that thought of ever being on that treadmill with oh so much to do!!

Even though we like to kid ourselves that we can go 100mph, sometimes it is just not possible and it’s kinda isn’t healthy. This is why to me we should make room for our challenges. This does not mean that we are being defined by them but we are working not to be defined by them. When we move a stretch too far and work against our challenges this can cause us to slip one too many steps behind, we become irritated and come to the conclusion that it is better to give up. However when we take into consideration our hurdles and what that could imply, we can move forward encompassing moments of when our obstacles may show their face without being held back by them. It is from here we can make permanent changes to help fulfil our visions.

Acknowledge your challenges, get to know them and make time for them, instead of letting your challenges ruling you!! How are you going to make room for your challenges??

All my love XX

Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!

Hello Reader,

How long has it been since posting something in ‘Let’s Thrive’? Only in like forever ago! I know the last couple of these posts have started like this, but you have not been far from my thoughts! Today I just want to talk about having a little fun!!

People that know me well, will know that I love to laugh lots and seek enjoyment wherever I can. A few months back, some of these lovely humans organized an afternoon to play the real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ as well as ‘Where’s the Unicorn?’ and ‘Where’s the clown?’ We all had to wear some snazzy head gear and go and hide in a park. This time was filled with lots of laughter, good vibes and FUN! Moments like these are just as, if not more, important than adult life that sometimes can get a little much! While we there enjoying as my dear friend would say ”getting Ninja” sneaking behind trees and running to dodge our spies, we did get some strange looks at our head gear while other just laughed with us. The sad thing is the having fun and letting your inner child take control for a while, gets overlooked and the very idea of moving away from the ‘altogether woman’ that people see you as, or this persona that you put out into the world is terrifying; letting yourself been seen in another light sometimes can the hardest thing you can do- you have even less control than you did, or thought you did, before.

But, does it ever get boring? Does staying in your beautifully arranged, clean cut box ever grow tiresome? Do you ever yearn to mess up sometimes, so that you can take off and be free?
We make ourselves feel pressure and that we ought to have a handle on things all of the time. The truth is though we don’t. We think we do, but we don’t. Taking everything so seriously takes away possibility, takes away that gap between you and the thing that you are obsessing over. The gap needed to feel you! I am a self-confessed over thinker and at times it can get in the way and you guessed it, stops all this fun that could happen

I am writing this to say to you, and to remind myself, to get adventurous, get messy and be free. Life is way too short to be unhappy, to carry unwanted weight, to only let the fun you wish you were having to live out in your mind. Start now, even if it means splashing in a puddle when’s no one looking, watching a clip of your favourite comedian, singing one of you favourite guilty pleasures or trying…. to walking like a penguin (dude, its fun!).

I hope you will let yourself have a little more fun and when doing so not judge yourself for it. I would love to know how you will get in touch with your inner child!

All my love XX

Breathe Peace and Love

?✨?Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones?✨?
Yep I am coming at you with more daisy goodness this Monday (When I previously told you that they were my favourite flower I wasn’t lying!! I think I may have under prepared you for this daisy craziness!?) To me they truly represent strength and resilience and are a reminder that we CAN blossom, which is always a great ‘pick-me-up.’ AND what is even better is literally walking in the daises (around not on them kiddos?) with peace and love- my new fav ever, ever shoes!! This is also a great remembrance to live, breathe and share peace and love, something that will always ALWAYS be fashionable!!!

A New Perspective of New Year

Dear Reader,

Wishing you, my dearest fabulous one, a very Happy New Year!

The start of a new year has a tendency to connote expectations and in turn induce pressure to live up to these. This is where our friend fear makes an appearance and dances upon joy, which should be soaring at the prospect of a new year! We hear chatter of ‘new year resolutions,’ spoken half-heartedly not because they are lying but because somewhere deep inside they are questioning themselves: “Will I be able to fulfil this resolution?” “How long will this resolution last?” I have done this. I have done this sooo many times. I said I would do this, this and this and by the end of the month most of my aims, if not all, would be inactive. I then might feel like a fraud to myself and go down that rabbit hole for a while. Then I might think ‘oh new year just sucks.’ This is a sequence of events that have been repeated several times, until one year I this skipped to the last part and completely forgot the beauty of a new year!

I recently read how we get a brand new year totally for free. A- HA! YES! BINGO! Finally it has clicked I thought! I interpreted this as going back to being grateful and thankful for the opportunity of seeing a new year! We have a whole year to fulfil our wishes, create our own magic and evolve into the person we want to be, developing in our strengths! We can do all this without setting New Year‘s resolutions and chiding ourselves for not doing the thing that we think we should be doing! So what if you have a bad day; as much as it would be a brilliant to be a go-getter every day, we all have dips of motivation. But that does not mean that you have failed, or that you should give up, or that your spark has gone forever, it just means you need to rest and retreat in another love to reset your mind for a while.

If you resonated with my first thought of the idea of New Year, thinking it was something to be feared doing a negative introspection, please I ask you now to stop this. Stop wishing your year away and remember the beauty that maybe uncovered in the year ahead. Who knows what this year could bring you?

All my love XX

Autumn Sunshine

Photos in this post were taken by my beautiful sister, she can be found @thewanderingmermaid_xox

Dear Reader,

This time of year, many of us experience the all to common and perhaps overly thought ‘summer blues’; long hazy days are shortening, day trips in the great outdoors are more depended on ‘weather permitting’ and if we do decide to go we make sure we have an umbrella or a coat or something warm or anything we think we might need ‘just in case.’ We think the best and brightness days of the year are mostly behind us, wishing for summer to come back sooner than scheduled!!

But can I let you into a secret?? As well as summer I also love autumn! There is so much excitement in a new season; different things to do, different pace of life (maybe you have exciting things coming or may it time for you to have a little peaceful recline), different atmosphere. More noticeably nature shows us how change can be so very wonderful; the colour of the leafs turning from vibrant green to golden brown and shades of purple, the fresher, the fresher air making you feel more revitalised, the crunchy sound as you walk on the many fallen leafs on the footpath and you being an expectant witness of an elegantly falling leaf as it finds its place on the ground. The latter imagery of autumn may bring about an air of sadness and of loss with the idea of things ending, but, like everything, there is ALWAYS a flip side; falling leaves demonstrate the need for something new.

2017-09-28 12.47.49_1506599446887

The above quote beautifully captures a definition of autumn and connote that it does need to be so melancholic: nature, like humans, is a process of continual growth, shedding those things which do not serve this growth in order for more flourishing acts to take place-for nature this means developing its hypnotising colours ready to display them in spring and for humans this means developing in our strengths so that we can radiate our vibrancy. So autumn acts, metaphorically, as a backdrop for personal growth. Identifing the things you need to let go of is diffcult, thinking those are the very things that will keep you safe but actually they are keeping you captive. What is it you want to develop? What is it you need to let go off in order for this growth to take place? The next time you take an autumn walk and see leaves fluttering in the air think of the things you want to let go of and imagine they were the very leaf that passed you by. Breathe and let go. Enjoy the autumnal landscape and all the beauty it has to offer!! Redefine YOUR autumn!!

All my love XX