?✨? Happy Magic Monday ?✨?
This is a little note just remember to always go with the rhythm of your heart ??✨
The start of a new week may not always be warmly welcomed as it should; perhaps already wishing it was the end of the week. On this page you there will be posts every Monday designed to motivate and give confidence to go get whatever is coming your way that week or just add a little fun to Mondays!!
?✨? Happy Magic Monday ?✨?
This is a little note just remember to always go with the rhythm of your heart ??✨
?✨? Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨? As we enter autumn and it gets a little colder (sitting here in my woolies) we can forget how this season can also have an impact on our mental health – this time of year can be particularly triggering for people that suffer with their mental health so it’s really important that we are all aware of this ✨ In September 2016 something happened that I never thought could happen. My gorgeous sister had seemed ‘a bit down ‘ for some time but I never knew the extent or that it would turn out that she would be diagnosed with depression. No one would have known that behind her smile and the rainbows she adorns herself in that she was suffering – not even me and I live with her.
It is so important that we really make sure if the people around us are actually okay. It is only when people get talking and ending stigmas, that the importance of mental health can be kept alive. Mairead describes living with depression as like ‘living in a body with a mind that’s trying to die.’ No one should have to face feelings like this alone.
One thing we can all do is practice kindness, smile at strangers and say kind words, remind the loved ones in your life why they are so special, say and send kind messages to people you care about. If you think something lovely about someone why don’t you tell them? So this magic Monday let’s celebrate kindness ✨ If you are struggling right now please talk to someone, there are also so many wonderful communities where you can seek help such as @mindcharity and @mh_stories_ is also a wonderful online platform where you can find support ? Thank you @mermaiidmairead for allowing me to share your story ?❤️
✨?✨ Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ✨?✨
Being inspired by others is something that never tires. One lady who inspires hugely is @tajia_love ? This incredible lady shares her experience with Cerebral Palsy to encourage others to take the lead in their life ? Recently @tajia_love took to the stage of New York Fashion Week with her purpose to change the way people think about themselves -to love themselves and to embrace who they are? This took her lots of strength and gave hope to many including me? Again this is a reminder you a not your disability, you are light ✨ Thank you @tajia_love for all you do ✨??✨
Who inspires you?
?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?
Always remember to take time for you to be the best that you can be you can be. It’s okay to have time out. It’s okay to switch off for a while. It’s okay to do things differently and perhaps not even do them things at all. Take your time. Make your move when you are ready and don’t judge yourself when you do????
?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones?✨?
There nothing more magic than human connection, which can be found and formed in many ways ? Social media, although there is a dark and dangerous side to it, it can be a platform to encourage and inspire and can allow like minded people to find each other, something that would not happen otherwise. @kreationsbykittles has Cerebral Palsy and shares her triumphs on her page. A few days ago I received a wonderful surprise in the post- one of @kreationsbykittles beautiful paintings, which I just love love love! She paints with her cp affected hand which I think is just amazing-I know I would find this really hard to do!!
Receiving this post inspires me, firstly because it shows what determination can do and wills me to do better and secondly it a reminder that all of us on instagram and all other social media are real and therefore genuine connections can be made ???
?✨?Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨?
This is you reminder that no one has control over your life but you. You are the leader. You are director. You are the author. Do not let anyone else hold your pen ???
?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?
It is so so important not too lose who you are and continue to express yourself in whatever way you like ? @mermaiidmairead reminds me to let yourself shine through what you wear. She shows me just to be comfortable with who I am? Here she wears a fabulous attire, full of rainbow dreams-how amazing is this outfit?- Inspiring me to express myself wholeheartedly ?? Be yourself always ???
?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?
This Monday allow yourself just to breathe and go with your heart. This quote is taken from my latest blog post ‘Pulling Up (Rainbow) Socks’ . It’s about doing whatever is right for you and not being afraid of not being a ‘go getter ‘ all the time. Lose yourself in something new or familiar just don’t fear it ???
Where would you like to wander to next?
?✨?Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?
Find your own happy today and start to create a life you love ❤️ The brilliant @spotgirldesign has to the words out of my mouth with this lovely illustration ???
?✨ Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ✨?
Don’t forget to embrace ALL of you. We cannot be a go getter all of the time and that what make us human!! We have hearts. We feel stuff. We can show others how to be strong be being open rather than buckling under pressure. I know I’m not good at this, I don’t think many are, but being reminded that we also have a delicate side of ourselves allows us to breakdown our wall a little. As @bymariandrew demonstrates these aspects gives us strength ??