?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones?✨?
There nothing more magic than human connection, which can be found and formed in many ways ? Social media, although there is a dark and dangerous side to it, it can be a platform to encourage and inspire and can allow like minded people to find each other, something that would not happen otherwise. @kreationsbykittles has Cerebral Palsy and shares her triumphs on her page. A few days ago I received a wonderful surprise in the post- one of @kreationsbykittles beautiful paintings, which I just love love love! She paints with her cp affected hand which I think is just amazing-I know I would find this really hard to do!!
Receiving this post inspires me, firstly because it shows what determination can do and wills me to do better and secondly it a reminder that all of us on instagram and all other social media are real and therefore genuine connections can be made ???