You Are The Creative!!

?✨? Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨?

Have you ever felt rebellious? That you want to rip up the rule book? Well if your anything like me the answer would be yes, but making a noise seem hugely frightening. Doing something that you fear means you should do it all the more! There is no right way do things (only when making tea-water before milk guys there is no other way ??). Seriously though how you do things should only feel right for you.

This Monday start making your happiness a priority ????✨

Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!

Hello Reader,

How long has it been since posting something in ‘Let’s Thrive’? Only in like forever ago! I know the last couple of these posts have started like this, but you have not been far from my thoughts! Today I just want to talk about having a little fun!!

People that know me well, will know that I love to laugh lots and seek enjoyment wherever I can. A few months back, some of these lovely humans organized an afternoon to play the real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ as well as ‘Where’s the Unicorn?’ and ‘Where’s the clown?’ We all had to wear some snazzy head gear and go and hide in a park. This time was filled with lots of laughter, good vibes and FUN! Moments like these are just as, if not more, important than adult life that sometimes can get a little much! While we there enjoying as my dear friend would say ”getting Ninja” sneaking behind trees and running to dodge our spies, we did get some strange looks at our head gear while other just laughed with us. The sad thing is the having fun and letting your inner child take control for a while, gets overlooked and the very idea of moving away from the ‘altogether woman’ that people see you as, or this persona that you put out into the world is terrifying; letting yourself been seen in another light sometimes can the hardest thing you can do- you have even less control than you did, or thought you did, before.

But, does it ever get boring? Does staying in your beautifully arranged, clean cut box ever grow tiresome? Do you ever yearn to mess up sometimes, so that you can take off and be free?
We make ourselves feel pressure and that we ought to have a handle on things all of the time. The truth is though we don’t. We think we do, but we don’t. Taking everything so seriously takes away possibility, takes away that gap between you and the thing that you are obsessing over. The gap needed to feel you! I am a self-confessed over thinker and at times it can get in the way and you guessed it, stops all this fun that could happen

I am writing this to say to you, and to remind myself, to get adventurous, get messy and be free. Life is way too short to be unhappy, to carry unwanted weight, to only let the fun you wish you were having to live out in your mind. Start now, even if it means splashing in a puddle when’s no one looking, watching a clip of your favourite comedian, singing one of you favourite guilty pleasures or trying…. to walking like a penguin (dude, its fun!).

I hope you will let yourself have a little more fun and when doing so not judge yourself for it. I would love to know how you will get in touch with your inner child!

All my love XX


?✨? Happy Magic Monday ?✨?

This is a little note just remember to always go with the rhythm of your heart ??✨

Be A Light

✨?✨ Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ✨?✨

Being inspired by others is something that never tires. One lady who inspires hugely is @tajia_love ? This incredible lady shares her experience with Cerebral Palsy to encourage others to take the lead in their life ? Recently @tajia_love took to the stage of New York Fashion Week with her purpose to change the way people think about themselves -to love themselves and to embrace who they are? This took her lots of strength and gave hope to many including me? Again this is a reminder you a not your disability, you are light ✨ Thank you @tajia_love for all you do ✨??✨

Who inspires you?

Take Your Time

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

Always remember to take time for you to be the best that you can be you can be. It’s okay to have time out. It’s okay to switch off for a while. It’s okay to do things differently and perhaps not even do them things at all. Take your time. Make your move when you are ready and don’t judge yourself when you do????

Be A Leader

?✨?Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨?

This is you reminder that no one has control over your life but you. You are the leader. You are director. You are the author. Do not let anyone else hold your pen ???

Shine Bright!!!

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

It is so so important not too lose who you are and continue to express yourself in whatever way you like ? @mermaiidmairead reminds me to let yourself shine through what you wear. She shows me just to be comfortable with who I am? Here she wears a fabulous attire, full of rainbow dreams-how amazing is this outfit?- Inspiring me to express myself wholeheartedly ?? Be yourself always ???

Finding Your Way!!

?✨?Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

Find your own happy today and start to create a life you love ❤️ The brilliant @spotgirldesign has to the words out of my mouth with this lovely illustration ???

Have Fun, You!

✨Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ✨

Always live the funnest life you can?

As a child the tremor in my hand was a little more severe, the things I could do was very limited. Things like colouring connotes fun and enjoyment for most kids, something which comes with little judgement. My colouring was considered “messy” and “too far out the lines” by teachers and always gave me the option to just pick the colours and the rest someone else would do.

When adult colouring books came out a few years ago it did really spark an interest as I thought it would just rack up them thoughts. But like a lot of things -it worth a second shot! And now it’s one of the most relaxing hobbies ? regain the fun in what you lost or in something new or …. just have fun ???

Living Dreams

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

There is nothing more magic in the world when I see one of my dearest thrive, dare and go out of their comfort zone and realises their abilities; it genuinely makes my heart happy. My beloved sister, Mairead- @mermaiidmairead– has gone from strength to strength over the past year. She turned hobby into a passion and then into a business.

Mairead had worked so incredibly hard on @thewanderingmermaids. The jewellery she makes is full of colour, magic and radiates happiness and at the same time brings her so much joy-even when pulling a very late night shift ! @thewanderingmermaids had a very first pop up yesterday and my word she did herself proud! !

@thewanderingmermaids have just creations of a brand new line and their are so beautiful!!

Mairead shows just what you can do with a courageous heart and with this she inspires me so much ???? Who makes you be your best self?