CP Day!!!

Dear Reader,

Today I wear green for a very special reason! Nope, I haven’t got my days wrong and doing this for St. Patrick’s Day. Nope, I haven’t converted my favourite colour to green, it is still very much rainbow (though I could be just repping one of its colours just because, but it’s not that either). I am seen in green today because it’s Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day!

For those who don’t know what the heck Cerebral Palsy is, I described it as something that means my movements are a little uncoordinated . Why? Well I don’t really like the ‘why’ very much as for some, this can spark a spiral of stories in their mind when they hear the phrase ‘Brain Damage’ and don’t hear or ignore the rest of the sentence. Also another reason why I haven’t wrote about CP in this way before is because to me this bit is kind of irrelevant as you know the damage has sort of…already been done…I think that is the saying anyway! But as it is CP awareness day, I will try to explain quickly!

Yes, CP is a result of brain damage, which that occurs before, during or after birth or in childhood, and has an impact on the part of the brain that is responsible for a person’s movement and coordination. This, therefore, has an impact on one’s physical ability. The symptoms and severity of CP varies from person to person, so I can only write about my experience which will definitely be different, if only slight, from someone else. For me, as said earlier, my movements can be shaky, slow and CP can also throw in a few unwanted moves now and again. With this, there is also one huge give away when I am a little anxious about something – I am a more wobbly than usual (shaky Sallie X10!!). Sometimes my muscles can be stiff especially on my right side of my body therefore can be hard to complete tasks with my right hand, therefore I tend to do almost everything with my left. Also, as if CP hasn’t stole enough limelight-still at least it’s in keeping with its colour-, it means that the group of muscles controlling my speech also moves  a little different to someone without CP, so as a result my speech is a little impaired. This aspect in particular I do find hard sometimes even now, though my speech as improved a lot. Whenever I get into a fluster I try to spin my perspective to something more helpful and a little more positive- not many folk can get to be heard twice or more!!!

It is so so important for people with CP or with any other obstacle, for that matter, not to be defined by them-it is something you HAVE it is NOT you!!! The worst but empowering, in retrospect, stages CP is when one is a child and a lot of doubt is around about their abilities. My parents were told I would never sit up, when I was very young, but a few years after they were told this I could even take a few steps. All the ‘no’s’ I got given about being able to achieve certain things I was , with the support of my family, able to show to myself that I could. It is sooo essential to only have those around you who believe otherwise, who believe in you. With this, another thing to remember is that no matter what anyone says you can turn around and write your own story!! You can rebrand parts of you challenge to make it a little easier to manage or comprehend. For example if I’m walking with someone and happen to stagger, I may say something like “Yep, I’m showcasing my dramatic ballet again.’ By doing/ thinking like this it make things a little lighter.  Or if I am having a day where I feel that I am going a little more slowly, I try to remember that everyone0 is meant to go at their own pace as a streak of comparison tries to creep in! Life hacks are sometimes just needed!!

Over the last few years since writing to you, I have become more open and been able talk more easily about my CP.  In addition, I have also been able to learn things about CP from others that have resonated with me. Even though there are many down sides to social media, this is a big up; connecting with others who have experienced similar things to you is invaluable and, furthermore, you feel less alone. Days such as these are important as it highlights and builds awareness around a particular cause or condition of something that one may know little about. Writing parts of this has been hard. There are areas of my disability I still find difficult to express. But this is another vital factor about awareness days- they can be reflective and as a result alleviate some heaviness around certain thoughts.

Putting together my outfit for CP Awareness Day has been so very fun and this is how life usually can be, which can be easily over looked. Days like today, though it brings about awareness about a condition, they also allow one to realise that there is a lot more to a person than their diagnosis!

Here’s to CP Awareness Day!

All my love XX

Be Proud of Yourself

✨?✨ Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ✨?✨

Being proud of ones self is something I continually strive for! It used to be something I would run from and think of all the opposite things… very unhelpful! But now I am working on being proud of myself, it’s a very healthy quality to have!!

Who’s with me? Let’s kick off this week by finding things in ourselves we are proud of!???

Lovely illustration by @littlearthlings

Never Give Up

✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones?✨

This is a reminder from the brilliant @emilycoxhead that you ARE valued in the world. Never ever give up.???✨

You Are The Creative!!

?✨? Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨?

Have you ever felt rebellious? That you want to rip up the rule book? Well if your anything like me the answer would be yes, but making a noise seem hugely frightening. Doing something that you fear means you should do it all the more! There is no right way do things (only when making tea-water before milk guys there is no other way ??). Seriously though how you do things should only feel right for you.

This Monday start making your happiness a priority ????✨

Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!

Hello Reader,

How long has it been since posting something in ‘Let’s Thrive’? Only in like forever ago! I know the last couple of these posts have started like this, but you have not been far from my thoughts! Today I just want to talk about having a little fun!!

People that know me well, will know that I love to laugh lots and seek enjoyment wherever I can. A few months back, some of these lovely humans organized an afternoon to play the real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ as well as ‘Where’s the Unicorn?’ and ‘Where’s the clown?’ We all had to wear some snazzy head gear and go and hide in a park. This time was filled with lots of laughter, good vibes and FUN! Moments like these are just as, if not more, important than adult life that sometimes can get a little much! While we there enjoying as my dear friend would say ”getting Ninja” sneaking behind trees and running to dodge our spies, we did get some strange looks at our head gear while other just laughed with us. The sad thing is the having fun and letting your inner child take control for a while, gets overlooked and the very idea of moving away from the ‘altogether woman’ that people see you as, or this persona that you put out into the world is terrifying; letting yourself been seen in another light sometimes can the hardest thing you can do- you have even less control than you did, or thought you did, before.

But, does it ever get boring? Does staying in your beautifully arranged, clean cut box ever grow tiresome? Do you ever yearn to mess up sometimes, so that you can take off and be free?
We make ourselves feel pressure and that we ought to have a handle on things all of the time. The truth is though we don’t. We think we do, but we don’t. Taking everything so seriously takes away possibility, takes away that gap between you and the thing that you are obsessing over. The gap needed to feel you! I am a self-confessed over thinker and at times it can get in the way and you guessed it, stops all this fun that could happen

I am writing this to say to you, and to remind myself, to get adventurous, get messy and be free. Life is way too short to be unhappy, to carry unwanted weight, to only let the fun you wish you were having to live out in your mind. Start now, even if it means splashing in a puddle when’s no one looking, watching a clip of your favourite comedian, singing one of you favourite guilty pleasures or trying…. to walking like a penguin (dude, its fun!).

I hope you will let yourself have a little more fun and when doing so not judge yourself for it. I would love to know how you will get in touch with your inner child!

All my love XX


?✨? Happy Magic Monday ?✨?

This is a little note just remember to always go with the rhythm of your heart ??✨

Spread Kindness

?✨? Happy Magic Monday My Fabulous Ones ?✨? As we enter autumn and it gets a little colder (sitting here in my woolies) we can forget how this season can also have an impact on our mental health – this time of year can be particularly triggering for people that suffer with their mental health so it’s really important that we are all aware of this ✨ In September 2016 something happened that I never thought could happen. My gorgeous sister had seemed ‘a bit down ‘ for some time but I never knew the extent or that it would turn out that she would be diagnosed with depression. No one would have known that behind her smile and the rainbows she adorns herself in that she was suffering – not even me and I live with her.

It is so important that we really make sure if the people around us are actually okay. It is only when people get talking and ending stigmas, that the importance of mental health can be kept alive. Mairead describes living with depression as like ‘living in a body with a mind that’s trying to die.’ No one should have to face feelings like this alone.

One thing we can all do is practice kindness, smile at strangers and say kind words, remind the loved ones in your life why they are so special, say and send kind messages to people you care about. If you think something lovely about someone why don’t you tell them? So this magic Monday let’s celebrate kindness ✨ If you are struggling right now please talk to someone, there are also so many wonderful communities where you can seek help such as @mindcharity and @mh_stories_ is also a wonderful online platform where you can find support ? Thank you @mermaiidmairead for allowing me to share your story ?❤️


When The Heart Calls

?✨? Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

This Monday allow yourself just to breathe and go with your heart. This quote is taken from my latest blog post ‘Pulling Up (Rainbow) Socks’ . It’s about doing whatever is right for you and not being afraid of not being a ‘go getter ‘ all the time. Lose yourself in something new or familiar just don’t fear it ???

Where would you like to wander to next?

Finding Your Way!!

?✨?Happy Magic Monday my Fabulous Ones ?✨?

Find your own happy today and start to create a life you love ❤️ The brilliant @spotgirldesign has to the words out of my mouth with this lovely illustration ???