A Call to Change How Disability is Seen

Dear Reader,

It is funny (not the haha kind, more the stop and think kind) how the world is sooo pent up and focusing on fixing things, solving this by pretending they are not there instead working around them. I guess that would require too much ground work. This idea becomes dangerous when these things are not just things but are people and the outlook remains the same- the focus being ‘how can this be fixed’ or ‘made better’. Well, spoiler alert, this can’t be fixed, made better or be shunned away through any other ableist ideologies-how about…they you know…turn that frown upside down and realised that it’s more about people working with what they’ve got.
Sometimes disability is seen as some sort of disadvantage, and something that instantly categorises people with disabilities as ‘the disabled’ as if they’re a faulty model. As a person with a disability, it is all too familiar and expected that I will see someone’s eyes widening and their voice reach a new octave as I share a little about who I am, flabbergasted that I am just as human as them. However something in their behaviour says that this stereotype of disability is still being brought into.

Though I write and do my part to raise awareness of disability I do not know quite how to tackle one’s perception of this. Dating back to long ago people with disabilities were…let’s just say there was no voice that represented this community so I guess this stereotype was the only reference point. But this stereotype was only formed because there was no voice, still the only voice that was heard were men in power(sometimes I do wonder if times have changed). Even though the community of people with disabilities has come a long way, with campaigns around inclusions being had, it still feels like we haven’t reached our peak! When I ask myself how I can go about furthering my message, the only possible solution is to keep saying how things are for me, keep speaking out, keep writing stuff like this, call out when people show discriminative behaviour and do not let other people’s words and actions have an influence on how I view myself.

It is not only how people with disabilities are approached and talked to that needs to be addressed, but what is also needed is for society to be accessible and all round inclusive-some may call it ambitious, I call it essential! As I said above, the world can go around fixing things by pretending that they are not there, by this I mean by places STILL not accessible. Checking if somewhere is, for me, wheelchair friendly should not be a part of my ‘check before you travel’ routine. On this note: London underground! Now I know it is at the height of hustle and bustle but it is also the most inaccessible and my question is why? We’ve got technologies for the more unnecessary such as being able to see on your phone who is at your door, so why can’t some investment go into technology to engineer public transport to be just that transport for PUBLIC use, transport for EVERYbody?
I’d love to say that the physical form of accessibility that the only an area of that needs stark improvement but this is just the start: how institutions relate to people with disabilities, be it in education or in, or accessing, work need to undergo a major change in order for the same opportunities to be given to everyone. Therefore this means people with disabilities receive equal treatment to everyone else without having to go to extra measures to prove themselves, that extra thing that if disability was taken out of the equation these measures wouldn’t have to be taken. I do wonder if people without disabilities were questioned, were put through tests and were observed in the same way, what would be the response of these people? Would they understand the implications of ignorance? Would they finally see people and not what people have or haven’t got?

I am writing this as I no longer want to be silent and pretend that I am not moved by the inequality that is blandly obvious in society, a society that is fractured and unable stand in solidarity with those with differences. I am one of many with these thoughts and I hope that others who resonate with these words are able to feel empowered to share theirs. But not only do I hope these voices come forward, I also hope people who are on the other side of the coin, who don’t have a disability, that these words play a role in their understanding in how such judgement feels. Perhaps this understanding will also go towards changing their perspective and actions towards disability!

All my love XX

Honey I’m Home!!

Dear Reader,

It has been a real long while since I have posted anything on here and I have missed blogging, I really have. I guess it that good ol’ excuse of life getting in the way. But when thinking of it, it’s actually me getting in the way of myself…I mean it’s me who make plans and then break than again. So on behalf of me, that part of me that is the putter offer, that part of me that has made a big, brighter, endless list for tomorrow, I am sorry.

While I have be absent in here I must confess, I have cheated on you with other social media, namely Instagram. I have ever more ripped off the seal that was keeping shut tight the lid on my disability and my thoughts around this, as well as going a bit ninja (as my bestie would say) and have started to speak about things that do not sit right with me- the stereotype around disability and how stigma NEEDS to end. Now.

Now, don’t worry I am still full of rainbow fluffiness happiness and that will not change, but in order for this rainbow fluffiness happiness to continue things need to be aired, views need to be discussed and challenged and we need to stop being so darn polite and just say if something is bothering us- like can people just treat me as another human being and not treating me as if I am the disability? I still think in today’s society a lot needs to be done for it to be a place that is fully inclusive and rather than, or only, accepting differences but embracing differences too.

On here, on this blog was were my love affair with writing begin, and without sounding like Joe Goldberg from You (a Netflix series, surrounding a guy obsessed with, and a therefore “would do anything for” love-and this really does mean ANYTHING!), where I found you. It was through writing I found a way to express what I found difficult to say aloud. Reader this felt utterly freeing and found that the Queen of vulnerability, Brene Brown was right, vulnerability does pave the pathway for connection. Sharing parts of my story, expressing my thoughts on my disability, only allowed me to get to know others that have gone through similar things.

I guess I wanted to remind you that letting people see who you are is important. Why? Because it means that you don’t have to continue to hide and make up this idea of someone who is not you. Because you can start to see who you are and feel your power. Because by doing so you will feel less lonely; in this world of social media and by sharing your experiences there will be people reading/hearing your words and will resonate with them and maybe reach out. At the back of this they will also feel less alone in the world, finally finding someone with a similar story to them.

I want to ask you not to be afraid to using your voice-your voice is your power. It is your weapon that no one can destroy. Use it well dear Reader. I am right behind you.

I intent to show my face on here a little more this year. I hope I will see you here too, hoping we can thrive together.

Until next time

All my love XX

CP Day!!!

Dear Reader,

Today I wear green for a very special reason! Nope, I haven’t got my days wrong and doing this for St. Patrick’s Day. Nope, I haven’t converted my favourite colour to green, it is still very much rainbow (though I could be just repping one of its colours just because, but it’s not that either). I am seen in green today because it’s Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day!

For those who don’t know what the heck Cerebral Palsy is, I described it as something that means my movements are a little uncoordinated . Why? Well I don’t really like the ‘why’ very much as for some, this can spark a spiral of stories in their mind when they hear the phrase ‘Brain Damage’ and don’t hear or ignore the rest of the sentence. Also another reason why I haven’t wrote about CP in this way before is because to me this bit is kind of irrelevant as you know the damage has sort of…already been done…I think that is the saying anyway! But as it is CP awareness day, I will try to explain quickly!

Yes, CP is a result of brain damage, which that occurs before, during or after birth or in childhood, and has an impact on the part of the brain that is responsible for a person’s movement and coordination. This, therefore, has an impact on one’s physical ability. The symptoms and severity of CP varies from person to person, so I can only write about my experience which will definitely be different, if only slight, from someone else. For me, as said earlier, my movements can be shaky, slow and CP can also throw in a few unwanted moves now and again. With this, there is also one huge give away when I am a little anxious about something – I am a more wobbly than usual (shaky Sallie X10!!). Sometimes my muscles can be stiff especially on my right side of my body therefore can be hard to complete tasks with my right hand, therefore I tend to do almost everything with my left. Also, as if CP hasn’t stole enough limelight-still at least it’s in keeping with its colour-, it means that the group of muscles controlling my speech also moves  a little different to someone without CP, so as a result my speech is a little impaired. This aspect in particular I do find hard sometimes even now, though my speech as improved a lot. Whenever I get into a fluster I try to spin my perspective to something more helpful and a little more positive- not many folk can get to be heard twice or more!!!

It is so so important for people with CP or with any other obstacle, for that matter, not to be defined by them-it is something you HAVE it is NOT you!!! The worst but empowering, in retrospect, stages CP is when one is a child and a lot of doubt is around about their abilities. My parents were told I would never sit up, when I was very young, but a few years after they were told this I could even take a few steps. All the ‘no’s’ I got given about being able to achieve certain things I was , with the support of my family, able to show to myself that I could. It is sooo essential to only have those around you who believe otherwise, who believe in you. With this, another thing to remember is that no matter what anyone says you can turn around and write your own story!! You can rebrand parts of you challenge to make it a little easier to manage or comprehend. For example if I’m walking with someone and happen to stagger, I may say something like “Yep, I’m showcasing my dramatic ballet again.’ By doing/ thinking like this it make things a little lighter.  Or if I am having a day where I feel that I am going a little more slowly, I try to remember that everyone0 is meant to go at their own pace as a streak of comparison tries to creep in! Life hacks are sometimes just needed!!

Over the last few years since writing to you, I have become more open and been able talk more easily about my CP.  In addition, I have also been able to learn things about CP from others that have resonated with me. Even though there are many down sides to social media, this is a big up; connecting with others who have experienced similar things to you is invaluable and, furthermore, you feel less alone. Days such as these are important as it highlights and builds awareness around a particular cause or condition of something that one may know little about. Writing parts of this has been hard. There are areas of my disability I still find difficult to express. But this is another vital factor about awareness days- they can be reflective and as a result alleviate some heaviness around certain thoughts.

Putting together my outfit for CP Awareness Day has been so very fun and this is how life usually can be, which can be easily over looked. Days like today, though it brings about awareness about a condition, they also allow one to realise that there is a lot more to a person than their diagnosis!

Here’s to CP Awareness Day!

All my love XX

Make Room For Your Challanges

Dear Reader,

Here we are just over a month into 2019, a sense of newness is around, resolutions have been made and we are all willing for changes. This time of year I have never been a great fan of, anticipation is heighted about what could be before us, there is a force to do greater, to do better, be fit and healthy, to implement visions and get all of the above done now… or if your anything like me a minute ago!!! These are more than enough thoughts to handle before we turn towards looking at judgement passed by others, talking among themselves having a classic mothers meeting, with the top topic of the agenda being whether ‘she has stuck to what she committed to doing ’. Well, forgive my ignorance (or don’t), but it is clear to see what these people have committed to and sadly are not about to break this anytime soon!! However, we, on the other hand, can keep on being out fabulous selves, trying and trying again to do our best!!

The tittle of this blog post, Make Room For Your Challanges, is one that at first glance my stir up negative emotions, be confusing and may even say it’s a slight contradiction to what I continue to say to you-but it’s not, don’t switch off just yet!!

I like to think that by now you know that I’m not one to back down and run from a challenge, if anything it makes me more determined to face it. This year I have, like many, made promises to myself, some which are the classic –be more healthier- and some are more personal to change some of my thinking habits to have a little more positive energy and to do things rather than day dreaming of things that ‘would it be nice’ . For a couple of Sundays now I have tried to plan my week ahead (in none other than a fabulous unicorn diary!!) in order to get my thoughts/ideas on to paper and make a plan- if I don’t, I try to do everything at once and so the absolute opposite happens: nothing gets done or a little of a few tasks get done but no one thing gets complete!!

The downside to planning things is that some time when plan, we plan in accordance to a ‘perfect’ day, week, month…. But what happens if things don’t quite work out the way you envisioned? What happens when not so pleasant things happen or we lose our mojo or we just didn’t give ourselves enough time needed? Well, most likely what we do when that happens is we scrap the plan completely, maybe mull over why things have turned out the way we want it to and wait for another ‘perfect’ day to start again!. As I have mentioned to you once or twice before that as part of my Cerebral Palsy I experience tremors, which varies from day to day, and this can have a knock on effect on what I am doing and therefore slows everything down, which, you guessed, leaves a very dissatisfied me! I think this feeling of deflation comes, at times like this, from not being able to fulfil the intentions I had for that day, week or month and leaves that thought of ever being on that treadmill with oh so much to do!!

Even though we like to kid ourselves that we can go 100mph, sometimes it is just not possible and it’s kinda isn’t healthy. This is why to me we should make room for our challenges. This does not mean that we are being defined by them but we are working not to be defined by them. When we move a stretch too far and work against our challenges this can cause us to slip one too many steps behind, we become irritated and come to the conclusion that it is better to give up. However when we take into consideration our hurdles and what that could imply, we can move forward encompassing moments of when our obstacles may show their face without being held back by them. It is from here we can make permanent changes to help fulfil our visions.

Acknowledge your challenges, get to know them and make time for them, instead of letting your challenges ruling you!! How are you going to make room for your challenges??

All my love XX

Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!

Hello Reader,

How long has it been since posting something in ‘Let’s Thrive’? Only in like forever ago! I know the last couple of these posts have started like this, but you have not been far from my thoughts! Today I just want to talk about having a little fun!!

People that know me well, will know that I love to laugh lots and seek enjoyment wherever I can. A few months back, some of these lovely humans organized an afternoon to play the real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ as well as ‘Where’s the Unicorn?’ and ‘Where’s the clown?’ We all had to wear some snazzy head gear and go and hide in a park. This time was filled with lots of laughter, good vibes and FUN! Moments like these are just as, if not more, important than adult life that sometimes can get a little much! While we there enjoying as my dear friend would say ”getting Ninja” sneaking behind trees and running to dodge our spies, we did get some strange looks at our head gear while other just laughed with us. The sad thing is the having fun and letting your inner child take control for a while, gets overlooked and the very idea of moving away from the ‘altogether woman’ that people see you as, or this persona that you put out into the world is terrifying; letting yourself been seen in another light sometimes can the hardest thing you can do- you have even less control than you did, or thought you did, before.

But, does it ever get boring? Does staying in your beautifully arranged, clean cut box ever grow tiresome? Do you ever yearn to mess up sometimes, so that you can take off and be free?
We make ourselves feel pressure and that we ought to have a handle on things all of the time. The truth is though we don’t. We think we do, but we don’t. Taking everything so seriously takes away possibility, takes away that gap between you and the thing that you are obsessing over. The gap needed to feel you! I am a self-confessed over thinker and at times it can get in the way and you guessed it, stops all this fun that could happen

I am writing this to say to you, and to remind myself, to get adventurous, get messy and be free. Life is way too short to be unhappy, to carry unwanted weight, to only let the fun you wish you were having to live out in your mind. Start now, even if it means splashing in a puddle when’s no one looking, watching a clip of your favourite comedian, singing one of you favourite guilty pleasures or trying…. to walking like a penguin (dude, its fun!).

I hope you will let yourself have a little more fun and when doing so not judge yourself for it. I would love to know how you will get in touch with your inner child!

All my love XX

Pulling Up Our (Rainbow) Socks!!

Dear Reader,
How is your summer going? Hard to believe we are more than half way through this sizzling season! I secretly love the start of the autumnal season-cooler mornings, crisp air, the feeling of tea warming up my bones and who could forget the coziness found in knitwear? Yep, I am obsessed with jumpers in the way a kid is with Christmas! However like always the thought that year is slipping can instill so much panic, a thought that for me and, I’m sure for many, is not warmly welcomed.

So many promises are made at the start of a new year, month, week, day that we will start and stick to a routine, a routine that will maybe make us fitter, more healthy, more productive, make us feel alive or the good old classic….will makes us feel like new women-don’t forget the all-important ding along with this! All well and good if someone can stick to this, I salute them and they have my complete admiration, but what about the rest of that has veered slightly of track and lost that tiny bit of motivation to fulfill ideas? These fantastic plans didn’t include the loss of peak motivation moments (perhaps because we were such motivated snobs that day that we looked the other way). These fantastic plans didn’t consider the days where we just weren’t feeling like being a go getter and stuff. These fantastic plans didn’t include days were we just wanted to lose ourselves in a hobby. These fantastic plans didn’t include days where we just wanted to binge on a series (do not judge or be ashamed of yourself for doing this, I did this one day last weekend- ‘Charmed’ is worthy for this material, just saying!-). These fantastic plans didn’t plan for them days that let’s be honest, we felt a bit shitty.
Somewhere in the back of our mind we are telling ourselves just to pull up our socks and man up! If it was that simple I’m sure everyone would be on top of their A-game all of the time. But it’s not always this simple. Well, I would like to think that there was an alternative. That instead of having a tunnel vision, one could take more of a scenic view. That we can go at our own rate. That we can abolish all those tight deadlines. That we can pull up our own socks, in our own way and at our own time. They should be no comparison, no berating ourselves, no being ashamed. Know that YOU CAN get back into rhythm, but give yourself the permission to wander and you may come to find that you’ll come back twice as strong, rather than resisting it.

In my last blog post Tell Your Truth, I told you about the little irritation I have in regards to my slowness to complete things due to Cerebral Palsy. This can be little more frustrating on the days where my mojo has gone for a little wander! Those plans that were intended for that day are left unticked and yep, my mojo becomes ever distant! Fighting to get back there fast won’t help.

Rather than making this big plans, normally created on day where we can be described as pocket rockets, we need to stop this motivational snobbery and implement a routine that leaves room for times that we are not quite on best form. This way we may not also burn out, find ourselves at the edge of a rabbit hole and feel overwhelmed. We also may find ourselves to be more further along than first thought!

Remember to keep on pulling up your socks in your own way!!
All my love XX`

Tell Your Truth

Photography: @mermaiidmairead

Dear Readers

It has been such a long time since I have written a piece on here, just from me to you. I am really sorry for this. I have discovered that I am not good a multi-tasking, dipping between book and blogger writer mode, but I am learning lots through this!!! I hope though, that you are enjoying the Magic Mondays posts and Fabulous Ones stories- more to come soon!

Recently, I have been reminded by others about the importance of honesty and to tell your whole truth. With this I have learnt that in order to grow you have to let go or let people in. This is something that I am not good at and palm off any struggles, usually with “No worries, its fine” I think that is maybe a ploy to myself to think I’m all ‘a-okay.’ But going down this stream is a little unhealthy and instead of knocking down walls, I am protecting them. One of main messages that I tell you is to keep going and you will overcome your obstacles, but with this I am not sharing why this is to believed, nor my struggle not to give up, so how can I ask you to really believe in my words? And how can I really convince you that it is not some lines I nicked from a good old Disney classic-I have nothing against Disney btw in fact I am huge fan and up for a re-run anytime, just say when!!! I know I have told you parts of my story but I have always tried to put a positive spin on this and even though I have been honest with my words, I have not told you the other parts of my truth, so here goes.

We live in a world, especially here in the west, whereby the pace of life is so fast and we seem like we are forever catching up, take for example waiting for the internet to load on our phones/computers for a few seconds is just a little thing to get us fumed up. We are always planning our next step and not fully considering what we’re doing at a particular moment. And don’t get me even started on how, somewhat isolated we are also becoming with self checkouts being nearly everywhere now, ‘self’ depicting the way in which we are going. A few years ago I watched a documentary with Joanna Lumley (who I think is indeed absolutely fabulous) where she visited a hotel in which staff were replaced by robots- has life become that busy whereby people would rather check-in, go up to their rooms without passing the time of day with a stranger, or greet a familiar face when coming down to breakfast? ( I know we all race to the coffee machines in the mornings, but that is besides the point) yep, I am waffling again!

The thing is, I am also one of those people who lives or want to live in the fast lane sometimes, I think writing is the only time I zone out,,, I guess for me it almost a meditative-like thing. Cerebral Palsy means my muscles are a little uncoordinated and reaction times are a little slower –science in school did therefore did come in handy if it was to only clarify that, yes I do have delayed responses!!

I know life is not a race and we are all meant to go at different paces. I even posted on my Instagram a few months ago about just taking a breathe and being be present and I do stand by that, but sometimes I can lead myself down a rabbit hole and forget this. So for example writing out a text or an IG post may take me a bit longer to write out then hoped or being the last person to finish a meal (now this gets on my nerves for a whole other reason- I have the biggest sweet tooth but like mumma says ‘you gotta eat every last pea first’). Sometimes I get really irritated by my pace and wish could go a little faster. Even though my love affair with writing is forever, sometimes I get so frustrated if I am having a day where I am even more slow than usual, but in my mind I am two paragraphs ahead and also this laptop is meeting the wall, I have a feeling that won’t be helpful in the slightest!!

Verbalising these struggles is not the easiest thing to do and I think writing these as been one of the first times I have explained my thoughts. Perhaps subconsciously I have thought this would be complaining or just a bid to excuse myself, telling myself I am just being lazy. Thinking about this though acknowledging difficulties, is a form of acceptance and a way to not let it be so much of a battle that we are fighting up against.

The point of this post is to say that it is ok not to only show a smiley face to the world, we all face challenges and sometimes by sharing these we can help and encourage others as well as ourselves. Keeping a lid on our thought and emotion will only create an unwelcomed explosion.

All my love XX

Celebrations and Announcements!!!

Dear Reader,

I am writing to you today with a whole lot of excitement along with a few nerves!! I have been itching to tell you something for so long but you know when you are unsure whether it is right timing? Well, this is something I have debated and, oh my, the amount of fantastic imaginative stories my little brain has cooked up-some are  completely delicious, while others I would rather pass on. But, my fabulous dear one, as we have previously discovered the time is now-live on the other side of fear!!!

This also comes on a day that marks my second year of blogging! Time that has gone so fast. Time that has in some ways allowed me to be more open and honest, especially this last year. Time that has removed one of my big fears and has allowed me to find my shoes, at least for now. All of this has come from writing to you and sharing my thoughts that you have very kindly read and have also shared your views, which I am hugely thankful for!!

I have recently watched a speech that one of my favourite authors, Elizabeth Gilbert, gave a few years ago about passion and curiosity. She tells her audience not to get too hung up on finding their passion and just be curious, explaining that by being curious “[It] Just might lead you to your passion!” This is exactly what happened to me through writing on here; when I first started writing I didn’t know really where it would lead. It was a hobby but then it grew into something that I loved, that truly awoke me.  I write with, hopefully, an empowering message that you can, that there are no limits, to reach for you dreams and to be present- using every moment to be an opportunity to enhance yourself; this is not only for you, but to remind myself as well when I don’t feel as fabulous as I should!

From the support of you and my family and friendd (and also my fluffy friend Talulah, seen in the picture above) my self-believe has grown, allowing mee to take my writing one exciting step further (gulp)…. I am in the middle of writing a book!! This is something I am really exciting about and cannot wait to share more about this with you.  I do not want to give away too much yet but what I will say is that these writings are, on the one hand, very personal and also, on the other, universal and are words that represents in every way a beautiful journey.  Through this project I have learnt to let go of my fear of not knowing where life is going and just dance in the moment. It is my wish that you can do the same and feel joy when finding your shoes

Within the following months, I hope to share with you more about this exciting venture, but for now I want to thank you for your continued support- it means more than you will ever know!!  Every comment, every thought is truly appreciated in their own right. Remember to live well and be happy!

All my love XX

A Suprise Meet with Confetti Crowd!!

Dear Reader,

Let’s talk about Girl Power!! Girl Power is hugely important and something every female should have FULL STOP!! It’s the start of freedom. It’s a start of standing up for your rights. It’s about going after the things in life the makes you fully awake and not listening to that out-of-date, never-in-date, record that you can’t do something because “you’re a girl”!! It’s about supporting other girls and together accomplishing goals. It’s about living and breathing your worth because, my fabulous one, there is no other way to be alive!!!

Artwork by Confetti Crowd’s illustrator @ameliadeacon2018-01-16 09.42.30_1516113865944

And who better to represent the true essence of Girl Power?? None other than the inspirational Confetti Crowd!! The Confetti Crowd is made up of four beautiful ladies: Heidi Pettie, Helibells, Lulutrixabelle and Tiger Lilly, who promote female empowerment and work to encourage girls to be their own boss and ultimately just be themselves, collectively and individually (through their own brands)-basically everything  that makes my heart sing!! Plus to say they love rainbows would be an understatement-they embrace every inch of living life in colour and wear just exactly what they want, always looking fabulous!! I have been following these women for quite a while through their social media platforms and just love what they stand for, so meeting these ladies would be a dream….

2018-01-16 09.41.16_1516113866140

Cut to last month, Mermaid, my sister (an amazing lady who I first introduced you to in my post Mermaid and I) said that she was taking me to lunch, we always like to do something together whenever we can, so this was very normal. We got ready arrived at the carpark near the restaurant,, okay still very normal, I was then told by Mermaid to look down- my weirdmometer scale comes out as this was a tad weird- but I just went with it. Then we went into the restaurant and were taken to our table however the table had more than two seats around it, the weirdness on the weirdmometer goes up slightly. Mermaid then told me just to look at the menu, ok now the weirdness on the weirdmometer went up quite up bit. AND THEN… I heard a hello! I looked up and it was three of the Confetti Crowd, Heidi Pettie, Helibells and Lulutrixabelle, along with their lovely videographer Alicea Lewis!! Now the weirdness on the weirdmometer was off the chart!! I was completely shocked, to say the least!  I did not know what to say or do a first. I was beyond excited!!! A quite lunch turned into something extraordinary!! After a chance to try and take all that was happening in everyone sat down, order some yummy food and chatted all things Confetti, empowering and just life!!!


What I love about these girls was how incredibly supportive they are- just the way girls should be but for whatever reason these qualities get left behind, or they get blinded by something else that stops them embracing and spreading Girl Power.  The Confetti Crowd are true living example of what it means to encourage other girls and together conquering the world!! I felt this throughout our time with them, sharing stories and dreams, with the ultimate message being “Go get it!” As I mentioned before three of the four girls, was at this exciting lunch date. This was because Tiger Lilly is on her annual trip in Thailand working on new fashion lines for her brand. This, right here is why I am so inspired by these girls-they have dreams and they go and accomplish them e.g. Tiger Lilly’s dream of designing festival fashion clothes continues to come true, this is everything and more that makes me do a happy dance!!!

Thank you so so much Confetti Crowd for you constant motivation and have made me more determined than ever to go for my dreams. A huge huge thank you also to my beautiful Mermaid for making the dream of meeting the Confetti Crowd come true along with Alicea!!!

All my love XX

The Mystery Blogger Award Nomination

Dear Reader,

I got the most lovely gesture from fellow blogger, With Being Alive, nominating me for The Mysterty Blogger Award-thank you sooo much for this. With Being Alive is a blog with inspiring words about living beyond Mental illness and not letting it being the definition of who she is! In other words, in my language- a fabulous human!!! Her words are so honest and because of this, she allows her readers to deeply connect with her posts, I know I have!! You can check out her blog here!

So, what is the Mystery Blogger Award?

Well the creator of this award, Okoto Enigma, says “It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, a1nd they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”

The rules are:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
  • Share a link to your best post(s).

My questions from With Being Alive were:

What is your favourite song and why?

Gosh, that’s a hard question because there is sooo many!! But at the moment I am really into anything by Chic!! The classic are the best!! They have such feel good songs to make Everybody Dance ; )!!!

How has your blogging changed since you first began?

Blogging has changed me in so many way! When I first started blogging it  was just something to do, writing about the world around me with a glass half full attitude. Months and months down the line a started to be a little more open and honest, sharing a little about me and my disability.  Through writing about this it made me think about disability in different ways, motivating others not to be defined by a label. So blogging has made me more open and my passion for writing has got stronger. This sounds cliché but writing has truly made a difference to my life!!

Where is your most favourite place?

Last year my Sister and I went to Greace. We spend most of our time on the beach, sitting on the shore allowing the sea to take the weight of our legs! It was that moment where I felt most alive looking across the endless blue sea and in complete peace!! Every time life seems to get a bit manic I go back to that place in my mind. And that is my favorite place!

If there was a movie about you, who would you want to play your character?

Ohh nice question! The one and only Julia Roberts – She is just an amazing actress

What is your favourite word and why?

My favourite would is equality because it means fairness and that how I think the world should function-How beautiful would the world be if it did?!

Three things about me:

  1. I love penguins!!! I have not one, not two, but three penguin bears, three sets of penguin pyjamas, a duvet with a mamma, papa and baby penguin on it, penguin gloves and to confirm my penguin obsession my sister recently got me a mug with the words “Crazy Penguin Lady.” But how can you not adore their little walk?!!
  2. My favourite quote is by Hafiz and it goes: “Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the whole sky.”
  3. This is a weird one, but if I was an animal I would be a bird- I could go anywhere I liked, when I liked (listening to Everybody Dance 😉 )!!

According to WordPress, my best blog post was Mermaid and I. This was also my favourite post to write!

My Mystery Award Nominations are:

My question are:

  1. What do you like most about blogging?
  2. Who or what motivates you?
  3. If you had a super power, what would it be?
  4. Music or books(including audio books)? Which one could you live without? You have to pick one.
  5. What would is your golden rule for life?


I am really looking forward to reading your answers! Please do not feel pressuried to respond as I know this is not everyone’s type of thing! Thank you so much again to With Being Alive for your nomination, I really enjoyed doing this.


All my love XX